Well once again, it has been a very long time, and a lot has happened since we last posted. I tried to teach Tara how to blog, but she forgot. So I am just going to update it and she can add stuff later when I teach her again.
Well a few months ago, we had a great new addition to our little family. On March 31st 2009, Brooklyn Joy Johnston was born.
The due date was March 30th and we went in for our Dr. appointment to see if she was ready. The Dr. told us that she was not ready at all and prob wouldn't be for a few days if not more. We were very discouraged and upset. By this point in pregnancy the woman is just ready to get this baby out of their belly. So we moped our way home and got ready for bed.
As I was sleeping, Tara woke me up saying that she thinks that she is having contractions. They were little and not very regular, so I said that its normal and to get some sleep. That was not the response she wanted, so we stayed up for a while and I timed the contractions, because its not serious until they are about every 5 min. At first they were about every 10 min. Slowly they got closer and closer together until they were about every 7 min, and we decided to pack up and get into the hospital. It was about a 20 min drive to the Ogden Regional Hospital. When we got there they checked us in, which even though we pre admitted about a month in advance, it still took them forever. They got us into a little tiny room and said the nurse will be in shortly to check her. The nurse came in and said that she is having pretty strong contractions, but she was only dilated to about a 1. She said that we are still going to be having our baby tonight. We were very excited. They moved us into this HUGE room and we set up camp. We went into the hospital at about 4:00 am. Our Dr. was just finishing another delivery and he came in and broke the water. Don't worry I wont get to into the details. :)
The stay there was great, I strongly suggest Ogden regional. We just watched movies and TV for a few hours. It came time for the epidural and we were very scared for that. For those that don't know Tara has Scoliosis and its pretty severe. So the Anesthesiologist came in and tried 3 times to get it. 3 different spots in her back were poked, none of them worked. I was hard watching her go through that pain. Occasionally they would hit her spine and it would make her leg fling up. So they called another Anesthesiologist came in and he tried twice. So on the 5th time it worked. Finally some relief from the pain of contractions.
After that it was smooth sailing. everything else went great. So we got there at 4 am, and Brooklyn was delivered at about 4:12 pm March 31st. 12 hours total. She was absolutely gorgeous.

Tara recovered really quick and went back to work about 4 weeks later. Currently I have only been working 3 days a week to watch Brooklyn. As of next week Tara gets the whole summer off and I will be going back full time at Sprint. We are so excited to be able to do some stuff this summer like camping, fishing, and hanging out with our friends Alex and Jenny Scothern, that are moving up to Logan very soon. If anyone else wants to move the the greatest part of Utah and hang out. Just let us know. :)